
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Photos from the LBJ Library

The LBJ Presidential Library has a nice collection of photos taken at Camp David during President Johnson's term in office. There is also a text-searchable collection of his Daily Diaries. Below are the Camp David photos and their corresponding diary entries.

June 17, 1967 - Informal State Visit of Prime Minister and Mrs. Harold Holt of Australia

View the President's Daily Diary for these photos (starting on page 6)

View looking into Aspen Lodge - guests at the dinner table

Aspen Lodge exterior

President Lyndon B. Johnson, Prime Minister Harold Holt, and others talk informally inside Aspen Lodge

President Johnson, Prime Minister Holt and guests outside on the Aspen terrace

President Johnson and guests relax around the pool

April 9, 1968 - President Johnson meets with advisors at Camp David

View the President's Daily Diary for these photos

Amb. Ellsworth Bunker, Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson, Amb. Averell Harriman, Press Secy. George Christian outside Aspen

President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Amb. Ellsworth Bunker, Secy. Clark Clifford, Secy. Dean Rusk, Gen. Earl Wheeler, William Bundy, Walt Rostow, George Christian, Jim Jones, and Averell Harriman

Amb. Ellsworth Bunker, Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson, Amb. Averell Harriman near the Aspen pond

President Lyndon B. Johnson in conversation with Amb. Ellsworth Bunker

Source:  LBJ Presidential Library  (Photos credit: LBJ Library photo by Yoichi Okamoto)

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